Fur pulling

Fur pulling
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Uploaded by Jeannine St-Amour on Dec 30 2019 in Ottawa
Taken on Apr 18 2019

A common reason for fur pulling is the instinct to make a nest. When a rabbit is preparing for kits, her body secretes hormones that cause the fur on her sides & belly to loosen. This makes it easier for her to pull the fur out and pile it in a nest. It should cause her little pain and the skin should not look raw or red. She will often also gather hay, leaves or other bedding materials to help line her nest. When a doe makes her nest, she is generally towards the end of her 31 day pregnancy and will likely give birth within a few days. This is what this Cottontail was doing and was so on top of the moon to be able to witness this. So the next morning, I went to the location and unfortunately she never came back to the area. In a way I was happy as it is a very busy public park.



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